LIB Policies
- 24 Hour Cancellation Policy: Missed appointments, or appointments canceled without at least 24 hours notice, are subject to full charge. Another appointment will not be scheduled until full payment for the missed appointment has been made.
- Please understand that your appointment time is YOUR time. It is not available to anyone else unless you release the time by canceling or rescheduling.
- When purchasing a “Package” for any of the available services, payment for the “Package” is made in full at the time of the first appointment of the series. The “Package” must be used within the time period allotted for that service. Any sessions remaining after that time period are forfeited.
- Any “Packages” you buy are transferable, but still must be used within the time allotted for that particular “Package.” There are NO extensions on any of the “Packages,” you may catch up for any missed time with in the time allotted.
- Full payment for any check returned NSF, plus bank fees, will be collected before a future appointment is scheduled.
- If you are late, the time remaining is yours, not additional time.
- Please arrive and leave for your appointment as scheduled. If questions arise, and there is not enough time to talk after your session, we can make a phone appointment.
- We reserve the right to refuse service to any person for any reason.
Download our PDF policy sheet document below. Print and sign and bring to your first appointment. Thankyou!